CMT Care Pathway

Welcome to CaptureProof's
CMT Mobile App

During this data collection you will answer survey questions, take photos and videos specifically designed to allow CMT experts to diagnose and measure the progression of CMT. You will have a few choices and each will gather more data. Feel free to do a check-in more than once if you want to document changes or progress. If you do not see the option to do a check-in, contact the HNF coordinator by email at: and ask for it to be assigned again.

When you have everything ready including the stickers from HNF and a tripod, email to request the Daily Activities and Balance portions of the study. Please allow 24 hours to receive notification in the app.

Have any questions? Please contact

CaptureProof's CMT Mobile Application

Upon entering the application you will see this screen

After that you will fill out the release, answer some questions about CMT and tell us about the phone you are using for the data collection.

You will be asked to pick from the list in the screen shown above and complete the associated data capture. If you do not have the option to complete this data collection, it can be reassigned to you, simply email and ask to have the CMT Mobile App assigned again.

Click on any of the boxes below to see the details of what data will be captured in each choice.



These are the supplies you will need.

Be sure to make HNF your amazon smile choice.

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