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Would you know a Zika Rash if you saw it?

February 05, 2016 in Uncategorized

.....and 4 other pictures that tell you everything you need to know about the Zika Virus

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Happy Thanksgiving from CaptureProof!

November 25, 2015 in Uncategorized

CaptureProof would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. This year, we are thankful for the amazing health care providers that we have the pleasure of working with to optimize healthcare. We hope everyone has a happy and healthy thanksgiving with their friends and family!

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The Recap: Exponential Health's Healthcare Innovation Lab

November 10, 2015 in Conferences

After winning Singularity University's ‘Most Disruptive’ Medy Award in 2014, CaptureProof was excited to head back to San Diego for this year’s Healthcare Innovation Lab.

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The Recap: Superbones Superwound West 2015

October 27, 2015 in Conferences

Last week, I attended the Superbones Superwound West Conference at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Thanks to the exhibit hall opening at 7am, I started each day watching a gorgeous sunrise over the Las Vegas strip before getting down to business to show-and-tell conference attendees all about CaptureProof.

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Top 3 Reasons I’m Excited for SuperBones 2015

October 19, 2015 in Uncategorized

As I get ready to board a plane – Las Vegas-bound to Superbones West 2015 – here is my top 3 list of things I’m most excited about over the next 3 days:

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Our 4 Top Sessions at ILoveAPIs: Digital Acceleration Conference

October 14, 2015 in Uncategorized

This week, QA Lead at CaptureProof, Kevin Chang, drove down to San Jose (ok, maybe he already lives in the South Bay) to check out the ILoveAPIs conference. Check out his report back on the conference what he learned over those 3 days:

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The Recap: Week 2 of Conference Hopping

October 08, 2015 in Conferences

CaptureProof was at not one, but two conferences in one week! This is our second, 2-conference-a week – that means 4 conferences in 14 days – a CaptureProof PR! But enough math – check out our quick, 5-photo conference recap.

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CaptureProof on Stage at Health 2.0

October 04, 2015 in Conferences

Keeping with this year’s theme of Big Names, Big Issues, and Big solutions – CaptureProof’s Chief Medical Officer, Rishi Madhok, MD will be on stage at Health 2.0 for a live demo of CaptureProof tomorrow at 1PM PST (Ballroom A if you’re there). He’ll be taking part in a panel called: BREAKOUT: Create, Share, Like: Care Delivery Platforms for Provider Media – alongside other companies like Medable, Trice Imaging, Inc, TokBox, and Open Health Networks. There’s no live stream – but be sure to check back here for our coverage.

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The Recap: #UHCAdvance and the StartUp Challenge

October 01, 2015 in Conferences

If you’re one of our regular readers you’ll know that today: CaptureProof CEO, Meghan Conroy, was invited to serve on the Judges Panel at the UHC Startup Challenge: Innovation Delivered. As the winners of last year’s competition – UHC invited us back to ask this year’s contestants the tough questions.

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UHC Innovation Delivered Challenge: From Winner to Judge

September 29, 2015 in Places We've Been

Flashback to October 27, 2014 – CaptureProof took the stage for the UHC Innovation Delivered Challenge... CaptureProof was 1 of 5 digital entrepreneurs in the health care field who took part in the Startup Challenge – each company had 7 min to pitch their product to nearly 2,000 health care professionals who voted for their favorite concept in real time. CaptureProof Won. Here’s a quick walk down photo-memory lane!

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CaptureProof Jets down to CNS 2015

September 24, 2015 in Conferences

CaptureProof’s Beth Boyer and Meghan Conroy will be hopping on a plane down to New Orleans this weekend — headed for the Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2015 Annual Meeting. They’ll be manning Booth 1146 – showing neurological surgeons how to use CaptureProof to triage and monitor their patients – and share photos and video with their colleagues for consults.

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Top 4 Things I Learned at the 2015 ATA Fall Forum

September 23, 2015 in Places We've Been

Last week, I attended my first conference as a Proofer at CaptureProof. A lot of time and preparation goes into getting ready for a conference – so by the time the American Telemedicine Association Fall Forum rolled around, I was ready and excited to man booth # 4 in Washington DC, and show-and-tell attendees just what CaptureProof is all about.

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The Recap: 2015 ATA Fall Forum

September 17, 2015 in Uncategorized

Were you in DC at the ATA Fall Forum hosted by the American Telemedicine Association this past week? If you didn’t make it – you definitely missed out on meeting the CaptureProof team at Booth 4 AND snacking on some delicious Ted Tarts while learning how to use our app to optimize your practice. Don’t worry though – it’s never too late to sign up for a free trial today!

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When A Telephone Line Becomes A Lifeline

August 04, 2015 in Uncategorized

Were you in DC at the ATA Fall Forum hosted by the American Telemedicine Association this past week? If you didn’t make it – you definitely missed out on meeting the CaptureProof team at Booth 4 AND snacking on some delicious Ted Tarts while learning how to use our app to optimize your practice. Don’t worry though – it’s never too late to sign up for a free trial today!

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The 5th Decade – Medicare Turns 50!

July 29, 2015 in In the News

Few can see past the speeches and the political battles to the doctor over there that is tending the infirm, and to the hospital that is receiving those in anguish, or feel in their heart painful wrath at the injustice which denies the miracle of healing to the old and to the poor. And fewer still have the courage to stake reputation, and position, and the effort of a lifetime upon such a cause when there are so few that share it. But it is just such men who illuminate the life and the history of a nation.

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