
All articles in In the News

HIMSS 2018: CaptureProof Smart Medical Camera™ and Viewer Now Available for Plug and Play Integration with EHRs and Other Patient Empowerment Platforms

March 04, 2018 in In the News

Patented Computer Vision Technology Enables Complete Visual Health Record for HIPAA-Compliant Recording and Tracking Patient Progress

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The 5th Decade – Medicare Turns 50!

July 29, 2015 in In the News

Few can see past the speeches and the political battles to the doctor over there that is tending the infirm, and to the hospital that is receiving those in anguish, or feel in their heart painful wrath at the injustice which denies the miracle of healing to the old and to the poor. And fewer still have the courage to stake reputation, and position, and the effort of a lifetime upon such a cause when there are so few that share it. But it is just such men who illuminate the life and the history of a nation.

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Will 2015 Deliver the Promise of Telemedicine?

February 17, 2015 in In the News

The article below is a great read from the end of 2014, so we wanted to share it with you – our readers. In it, Chirag Patel of Highnote Foundry talks about why he believes 2015 will be the year telemedicine takes off, and what he believes needs to happen for this growth to occur.

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“Hospital’s dirty little secret: Caregivers sharing clinical data via personal phones”

October 28, 2014 in In the News

“Hospital caregivers typically bring their own mobile devices to work and use them to share clinical and care coordination information other members of their multidisciplinary care team. It’s a practice that screams “HIPAA violation.”

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Secure Email, New Technologies Pave Way for Better Patient-Doctor-Care Team Communication

October 13, 2014 in In the News

The potential benefits brought by an interconnected world via the Internet is amazing, especially when it comes to the mundane and sometimes laborious such as getting in touch with your doctor via the phone. Physicians are often notoriously busy people, and it’s common to wait on hold during a phone call for 15 minutes or more, until the doctor has two minutes to chat. Luckily, more providers are adopting technological communications into their practices: starting with secure email portals for their patients. Although some people worry that this technology is phasing out physicians, a new study published in October in the journal Health Affairs shows the inclusion of secured email communication has actually made patient-doctor talks more efficient.

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John Hopkins study shows mobile healthcare can promote nutritional literacy

September 17, 2014 in In the News

Physicians are often stuck with the timeless struggle of getting patients interested in their day-to-day well-being, and mobile healthcare technology—also known as mHealth—is making the battle easier by pushing people to take better care of themselves and be more alert about their health. While some studies have (at times) shown complex devices like smartphone apps, biometric clothing and fitness trackers can improve outpatient decisions, even something simple like reminding people via text message about their dietary choices can improve overall health awareness and comprehension, according to a new study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

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Barriers and Inefficiencies of Clinical Trials

September 10, 2014 in In the News

Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials: Average cost to develop one new drug in 2012 was $1.3 BILLION. Neurology Clinical Trials: Average Phase I Neurology trial costs about $9,000 per patient per month. Oncology Clinical Trials: Adult Clinical Trial participation rate is 3%. Government Sponsored Clinical Trials: On average 4,012 hours (range of 1,512 to 13,319 hours) were required for a government sponsored trial.

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Celebrity Scandal Sheds Light on Security of the iCloud

September 01, 2014 in In the News

The end of a beautiful Labor Day weekend was met by the very unfortunate news of the leaked photos of more than 100 female celebrities. Whether these photos were nude or not, it has raised serious questions, although not new questions, regarding the security of Apple’s iCloud.

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HIPAA Breach Alert: Second largest HIPAA breach reported

August 17, 2014 in In the News

Hospital network hacked, 4.5 million records stolen

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Throwback Thursday: The Power of Photos

August 06, 2014 in In the News

2100 photos, 6.5 years, 1 video diary. This past June, Rebecca Brown uploaded a YouTube video that documents her mental illnesses – depression, anxiety, trichotillomania, and dermatillomania – one photo a day. Over six and a half years she has documented 2100 photos, and even more impressively, her project is still going.

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CaptureProof Shows the APMA Just How To Track Patient Progress

July 29, 2014 in In the News

This past weekend was the American Podiatric Medical Association’s Annual Scientific Meeting (The National) in beautiful, sunny Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Health Technology and Visual Information Now

July 22, 2014 in In the News

Visual information and communication is critical for effective healthcare. Back in April, Wearable Intelligence posted a video highlighting their use of Google Glass in a healthcare scenario.

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“The Creative Intersection of Medicine and Technology”

July 20, 2014 in In the News

Medicine is not often thought of as a creative industry. We focus instead on science and evidence. Behind the science is a group of driven individuals who are focused on problem solving.

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Throwback Thursday: CaptureProof’s First Time on Bloomberg

July 09, 2014 in In the News

Remember when CaptureProof’s Founder & CEO, Meghan Conroy was on Bloomberg Surveillance?

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